Tuesday, May 18, 2010

SPRING CONERT featuring the Rushford-Peterson Senior High School Band -- Rushford-Peterson High School

A band performance of a small town high school featuring:

"Miracles!" -- Lane M. Powell
"Sicilienne" -- Peirrie Lantier
"We Will Remember" -- Gary Fagan
"Menuett" -- Friedrich Kuhlau
"AFTERBURN" -- Randall Standridge
"Allegro" -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Canon" -- Johann Pachelbel
"Pictures at an Exhibition" -- Modest Moussorgsky
"Drum Check" -- Elliot A. Del Borgo
"Where the Sun Breaks Through the Mist" -- Michael Sweeney
"Russian Sailor's Dance" -- Reinhold Gliere


Once again this small town band impresses with their talent.

Particularly outstanding where Pachelbel's "Canon" performed by a saxophone quartet, and "Drum Check."  Certainly this band, with a slight over-abundance of percussionists should be able to perform a song titled "Drum Check" but the rhythms were tricky and the syncopation was challenging.  Fortunately they seemed to thrive on the challenge.

A very delightful evening.

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