Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LOVE SONG -- Winona State University

playwright: John Kolvenbach
director: Siobhan Bremer
scenic & lighting design: Peggy Sannerud
costume design: Ruby Oian
cast: Ethan Jensen, Molly Daun, Justin Atkinson, Samantha Heaver, Corrin Carlson

A woman tries to find the love she had with her husband, while her brother finds love in a most unusual place.


I found the actual script for this piece rather pathetic. There is no real dramatic conflict and the changes in the characters come about rapidly, without any real build. And while I am not offended by 'strong' language, I did find the "f"-word to be used much more than was necessary. I understand that it's supposed to be 'real' language, but it felt forced, not real. Perhaps this was, in part, the actors' uncomfortability with the language, but I do think it's primarily the writing.

The character of "Molly" was much too indistinct. While it's part of who she is (indistinct), she created more confusion than she prompted discussion. Joan and Harry's relationship never seemed clear enough to follow and neither was really likeable enough to care about. Only Beane seemed worthy of following.

I 'get' the concept of why this is called "Love Song," but still, it seems weak. A real stretch.

I thought the set was nice and the costumes appropriate. The best actor was probably the waitress. She just seemed honest in the role and didn't try to create something that wasn't there. Beane was my next favorite. He did seem to understand who the character was and worked well within the framework that the playwright had given him.

Overall, this was not a play I would choose to see again.

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