Friday, October 17, 2008

THE WIZARD OF OZ -- Rushford Society of the Arts & Priaire Fire Children's Theatre

playwright(s): Daniel Nordquist & Deborah Pick
directors/actors: Ben Ratkowski & ErinRose Sincevich

The classic Baum story brought to life by elementary school students.


First, I do find it interesting that L. Frank Baum is not credited at all anywhere.  He did write the novel that this was based on, after all.

Second, I generally do not think much of this kind of theatre.  I suppose, in some ways, it's better than no theatre at all, but most of these kids have a totally wrong perception of what theatre is.  I know this for a fact as I have directed some of them after they've 'graduated' out of Prairire Fire and in to real theatre.  Most of them are in for a really big surprise.

That out of the way, I did have an enjoyable time at this production.  There were some cute parts, though some of the lead actors definitely over-acted.  I also didn't enjoy the 'extra' characters (Winkies and Traders).  But for the characters that did a good job, they did a very good job.  I think that this type of production definitely sets people apart -- the talented, out-going, from the nots.

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