director: Daryl Lanz
set design: Burt Svendsen
costumes: Nancy Svendsen
lighting director: Andrea Hatleli
cast: Casey Howe, Burt Svendsen, Chris Hallum, Ellen Eliason, Nancy Svendsen, Jessica Clarke, Andy MacKenzie, Kristin Ekern, Kelly Peter
A farce in which a young senator, running for President on a morality platform, easily skirts the community morals himself.
This was funny and very appropriate during this election year.
At times the pace dragged, but during the key moments, necessary to keep the farce moving, the action moved along appropriately.
I would have liked to see the young senator play it a bit more 'real' (rather than for the laughs), but the laughs came and it seemed to work for most of the audience.
Casey Howe and Kristin Ekern were stand-outs in excellence. Both were very believable and their scenes worked extremely well. Like many in the audience, I looked forward to seeing them on the stage.
A fun production, worth seeing.
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