Saturday, February 23, 2008

A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION -- Winona State University

The 1, 170th Live Broadcast
McCown Gymnasium at Winona State University
with: Garrison Keillor, The Guy's All-Star Shoe band, Pat Donohue, Gary Raynor, Peter Johnson, Andy Stein, Tim Russell, Sue Scott, Tom Keith, Marcia Ball, Don Bennett, Corey Keller, Andrew Nafziger, Thad Scott, Michael Doucet, Beausoleil, David Doucet, Billy Ware, Tommy Alesi, Jimmy Breaux, Mitch Reed, Simone Perrin.

The famous radio show's live broadcast.


This is probably the fourth time I've been to a live broadcast of A Priaire Home Companion.  It's always an enjoyable time.  Watching a radio show in production is the treat on one level, but seeing the artists performing live is worth the price of admission in itself.


This particular broadcast was a bit less than exciting.  Keillor mentioned, at the top of the show, that he was suffering symptoms of the flu, and I did feel that he was not in top form.  I also didn't feel that the guests were generally top-notch.  Simone Perrin, who was billed as a local (probably was, but I was not familiar with her), tried too hard and generally seemed like college talent.

A bit of a disappointment, but still better than much of the amateur productions I've seen in the area.

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