Winona, Minnesota
Former President Bush speech writer and current columnist for the Washington Post speaks about his work in AIDS relief in Africa.
Although there are personal reasons for Mr. Gerson to visit Winona at this time, I admire his being here, in what is generally a liberal town.
I also admired Mr. Gerson's dedication and commitment to his beliefs. Whether you agree with im or not, he strongly believes in what he does and is willing to say so, even if unpopular. Perhaps not enough people are this way.
Gerson's work in AIDS relief is exemplary. His descriptions of what he's seen touches a nerve. However, I couldn't help but wonder if his talk of progress seemed a bit rose-colored. Are things really taking affect as quickly as he indicated?
After his prepared speech Gerson opened up for questions and respnded to all, even those mild attacks on his politics.
Again, I commend Gerson on his committment to his beliefs, but I will say that I disagree with him totally on a number of aspects. His ability to persuade is frightening, considering how "wrong" I believe him to be. His own passion can be a real persuader to those who aren't totally committed.
An interesting speech and discussion. Admirable traits in an intelligent man. Too bad his politics are where they are.
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