Sunday, October 23, 2016

MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT - Winona State University

written by: Eric Idle
music by: John Du Prez & Eric Idle
director: Heather Williams-Williams
music director: Dr. Harry Mechell
choreographer: Seth Gabriel-Mayotte
scenic & lighting designer: Peggy Sannerud
costume designer: Tracy van Voorst
stage manager: Rebekah Bailey
cast: Thomas Sonneman, Bailey Bestul, Adam Calcagno, Daniel Kopitzke, Elijah Wood, Kort Lindblad, Brooke May, Grace Harrington, Tristen Welden, Josie Hannon-Geller, Linden Kirscht, Kayla Williams-Schwarze, Brooke Bestul, Rebecca Borchardt, Taylor Nyman, Lance Urbick, Taylor Nyman, Marley Benedum, Cameron Lorntson, Sam Scherrer

The stage version of the popular Monty Python film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


I think it is admirable that a small-to-medium liberal arts college with a very small theatre department would put on a large scale musical such as this. But just because it is done with enthusiasm in an educational setting, doesn't mean it will be a strong production.

For all the smiles and energy that comes from this cast, this was an un-even production that relied much more on the actors and audience to be familiar with Monty Python's famous film to get the story across. The acting ranged from over-the-top to subtle to very direct without any obvious intention for the variety.

The chorus of knights was probably the strongest part of this show (which is good since they are on the most).

The scenery was barely serviceable. For a college production of a large musical the sets seemed cheap and flat. Most community theatre I attend put more effort into their sets.

This is not a school known for their theatre program, and based on this, not likely to be so in the near future.